Utter Amen!

For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.  2 Corinthians 1:20

Have you stopped to think about the promises of God?  The promises of God are the covenants of God.  Covenant is not a word we use much in today’s language.  However, for Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and the disciples, it was a word they clung to with their whole heart and soul.  God’s covenants (or as we like to refer to them today, his promises), will endure until they are fulfilled.  How do we know that?  Because the promises of God find their answer in Christ!

Christ’s life, death and resurrection provides the faith we need to trust God for His promises.  His promise in general is to give us life in abundance.  Abundance just means more.  Life in Christ is not going to keep you from heartbreak or confusion, but rest assured that His promises find their Yes in HIM!

“That is why through Him we utter our Amen.”  The church knows the word Amen today as the word that is added at the end of our prayers to signify we are done.  Mostly we just listen for the Amen because that is how we know someone is finished praying.  However, the word actually means “verily.”  (Kind of a let down for you?)  It is used in the Psalms at the end of prayers and songs to mean “so be it.” (Is that a more dramatic definition for you?)  While the literal definition here may not provide much insight, let me try to explain the intention behind “Amen.”

Jesus used it in His prayers and His teaching.  You may have read it this way in your KJV, “Verily, verily I say to you…”  Jesus was saying, “Amen, amen I say to you…”  In other words, Jesus was saying, this is the truthfulness of which you can trust.  My words are true and everlasting.  They do not change and they will not lose their power.  The “Amen” of God is trustworthy in ways we may never understand.  They will not fail, they will not fall, they will not quit and they will not weaken!  God’s promises unlike the promises we hear today are true and are verified with the Amen of God.  Now look at 2 Cor. 1:20 again, “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”  It is a double promise of God’s faithfulness.  Paul was emphasizing to the church in Corinth the complete promise of God to be their God and to hold their salvation as sure as Christ.  He ends this chapter with these words, “for by faith you stand.”  Not your faith, but the faith that God’s promises are true.  We don’t have the ability to stand on our own faith.  Too many times we fail in our faith, but God’s promises are “Yes.”  His faith is strong, His desire for you is great and His promise to you is “AMEN!”

Be blessed,


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